Saturday, 15 March 2008

It smells of Roses!

It was the MPA Roses awards this week, and my work was highly commended!!
I was very pleased! The event was held at The Cube. I managed to see a part of the judging take place because I was there to photograph as they discussed the work. But wasn't there when they looked at my work. The photo's have been sent to MPA Roses for their press.
I have a couple of companies with possible work opportunities which is great and I hope to get the experience.
I have been preparing my YCN entries to send off next week.
And also working on the website, I have found a way to work with Lynsey's photos which were taken on her phone! and it keeps with the theme of the other pages, it's the best I can do with such poor quality images.
Easter next week - I have never known time go so quickly!!

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